I like to build my own tools when I can. So when I came to the realization that trying to measure out and wind my skeins with a yard stick was just pathetic I decided I needed to investigate the most awesomely named spinning tool: the niddy noddy. Also known as the "nid" for short if you want to be so cool. I'm not. The niddy noddy measures out your yarn for you while you wrap (you just have to keep count, use a stitch counter if you are bad at this) and once you take the yarn off, you are ready to make a skein (it is in a big loop then, called a hank.) Yes, you can buy these from any spinning company like Louet or Ashford but they range from $20-70 (the higher end involving spiffy telescopic features). I suppose I am stubborn and stingy and think PVC is useful sometimes so I built this one.
How to:
1. Go to a hardware store. Purchase (my total came to $4.83):
-about 4 feet of 1/2 inch PVC
-4 1/2 inch PVC end caps
-2 1/2 inch PVC T's
2. Cut piping
-4 5inch sections (these will be the end bars
-1 7inch or 16inch section for the middle bar
I cut mine at the store, borrowing a workers PVC cutter as we lamented the arrival of non stop christmas music over the store speakers. Because I wanted a 2 yard length skein (so I would only have to wrap it 50 times to get a 100 yard skein... yea math!)I cut the middle bar to be at 16 inches. If you want a 1 yard length (making a smaller, fatter hank when finished), cut the middle bar to be at 7 inches.
3. Piece it all together!
Put the short sections into the T, making a straight bar. Place the longer section in perpendicular to these bars. Repeat on other end! Twist the handles so they are at a 90 degree angle. Put end caps on all exposed cuts. Viola! Ready to wrap! All under $5.
Here is a good tutorial on how to use it:
Here is a 100 yards on mine, right off of my plying bobbin:
The end.
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