Sunday, January 20, 2013

Spinning cotton= splitting hairs.

Spinning is an enjoyable experience. Imagine relaxing next to the wood stove listening to the music of Joni Mitchell or Patti Smith or classical piano music suitable for the falling snow outside. Imagine treddling your foot in even time and the clicking of well oiled wood. Imagine freshly carded wool, so soft, flowing out of your finger tips as you spin and release it onto the bobbin, even and just the right thickness. Cotton is not that experience. In fact, spinning cotton is pure evil. It feels soft and you dream of making fast drying accessories out of the hand spun plant such as dish rags, but no. It breaks apart and forms lumps in not a cool aesthetic kinda way. I gave up. Cotton is much more suited for the wreath maker while still attached to the plant (very pretty! check out here with Martha Stewart: )or *GASP* a machine that doesn’t have emotions to jiggle with frustration and throw the bag that Louet graciously sends you for free against the wall. Throwing fiber isn’t too satisfying either. 
Pictures of the fiber and what came of the clump- a cotton ball! Ha. There is more where it came from, unfortunately.

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